Sunday morning when we picked them up we were informed that Little Miss Thing had somehow hurt her knee ... she was wobbling around and unable to stand up bearing weight on her left leg. At first we thought she was faking (she is known for dramatic faking spells) but soon realized that she was in fact in real pain. Airman took the other two girls home and I drove Little Miss Thing to the nearest ER. After four hours of waiting and waiting, two attempts at drawing blood through IV's and a traumatic x-ray experience we were informed that she has a growth plate fracture ... didn't even show up on the x-ray but they assured us it was there. Awesome ...
She was quickly put into a soft cast splint and we headed home. I was told that she needed to stay on the couch or in bed for three days ... no walking, no running, no standing, nothing. Ummm ... ever tried to keep a two and a half year old down for that long? Much to my surprise she has been very easy and has actually enjoyed her down time. There have been zero tantrums, 50% less fighting in the house and an overall nice and quiet atmosphere. My drama child has found her quiet happy place ... inside the confines of a soft cast. Hmmm ... maybe I should put it up in the closet and save it for one of her long overdue catastrophic tantrums ... smart plan Scarlett!