Monday, October 4, 2010

Ditching School

Last week I had my first day of volunteering in The Boss's classroom.  She was ecstatic to say the least.  We had a count down for at least two weeks prior to the day.  The morning of she asked me seven times if I was sure I knew where her school was ... even in the parking lot of the school as I dropped her off ...   She was so excited to have Mommy come and be a part of her "school world" for a couple of hours.

I decided that since I was coming in toward the end of the day, when I was finished helping I would take her out of school a little early and we would go for ice cream.  We hadn't spent any "girlfriend time", as we like to call it, together in a while and I just wanted time to catch up with my girl.  Plus what kid wouldn't want to skip out on school for ice cream?!  Apparently mine ...

When I whispered to her my brilliant idea she said, "But Mommy ... I really want to go to computer class.  Can we get ice cream a different time?" Seriously?!  The kid wanted to stay at school rather then leave early and get ice cream.  I was a little dumb struck, but told her I would take her after school instead.

After she left for computer class and I finished my volunteer duties I asked her teacher to please get [The Boss] as I was going to go ahead and take her with me.  The Boss walked back into the room where I was, hands on her hips giving me a mad face.  I just took her hand and walked her out.  When we got to the ice cream shop, I said, "Just think [Boss], all of your friends are at school right now and you are out having fun eating ice cream!  How awesome is that?!"  It finally hit her and she was feeling pretty lucky.  The smile on her face said it all!  She proceeded to tell me that I was a great Mom and that this was the best day of her life ... EVER!  Best day would have been great, but best day EVER, now that makes me feel all warm and fuzzy. 

It pays to break the rules a little sometimes ... I think kids deserve to be treated once in a while for no good reason but to show how much you care!  She will never remember what she would have done in computer class that day, but the memory of going out and spending some special one on one time together is something we will both hang on to for a long time!

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